lundi 19 juin 2017

Tools to open your mind when building innovative business models [juin 2017]

Using various methods and tools based on design can be a powerful way to generate ideas.

When building a business model, how about walking through all these three designs :
  • Business Model Canvas (BMC), edited by Strategyzer AG [1]
  • Lean Canvas, created by Ash Maurya [2]
  • Business Model Pavement for Digital (BMPD), by Tru Do-Khac [3].

Try the following proof of concept (POC) of the best way to raise collective intelligence of your team : take a promising business idea and spend with you team
  • 10 minutes with each of the three business tools in the order BMC, Lean Canvas, BMPD, - making 30 minutes in total -
  • 60 minutes with the only one tool you would pick

Notes :
  • Business Model Generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers and challengers, Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, John Wiley and Sons, 2010
  • Running lean, Ash Maurya, O! Reilly Media, Eric Ries Series Editor, 2011 
  • Trois business ontologies (trames de business model) pour l'entreprise numérique, Tru Do-Khac, 2015

To deliver an experience of the power of the Lean Canvas tool, a suite of workshops will be leaded by its creator Ash Maurya at "Lean Startup Day" next thursday June 22. at incubator of IONIS [4], a group of higher education schools for design, engineering and business, Paris [5].

[1] Site de Strategyzer
[2] Site de Ash Maurya
[3] MOOC-Pitch sur le BMPD, 2015
[4] Site de IONIS 361
[5] Site du groupe d'enseignement supérieur IONIS  

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