vendredi 18 octobre 2024

NoCode Summit 2024 : collective intelligence and great fun [oct 2024]

On October 16. and 17. 2024, the third edition of NoCode Summit [1] took place at Station F, Paris.

The event was truely international and the SFPN, the event organizer, has claimed more than 50 nationalities among the attendees.

As for France, should we look at two reference documents published respectively by Cigref, an association of large French entreprises, and Afnor, the French standards organization [2] from one side, and at the value propositions set forwards by the winners of the return of experience (REX) challenge [3] from the other side, we might feel that the NoCode Summit has brought a lasting momentum to the French digital ecosystem.

Among the winning value propositions, one can take home a frugal innovation : "Scratch, a NoCode / LowCode platform designed to create games but used to teach maths at school and middle school."

And last but not least, the evening party on the Seine river was real fun. Thank you to Make, the party sponsor [5].


[1] NoCode Summit 2024

[2a]  New Low Code/No Code development practices Unlocking value by controlling risks
December 2022, Cigref

[2b] Afnor Spec LowCode/NoCode, Nouvelle ère pour le développement informatique, Afnor, juin 2024 

[2bc]  NoCode/LowCode : deux référentiels publiés respectivement par l'Afnor et le Cigref, Gouvernance numérique de l'entreprise créative, juil 2024

[3] NoCode Summit 2024 : appel à retours d'expériences, X-Open-Innovation, sept 2024 

[4] The non profit organisation "Le sens et le goût des maths", winner NoCode Summit 2024 REX challenge, "Le sens et le goût des maths au collège", oct. 2024

[5] Make